SLA-Schwarzenbach-A-5-13/057 Freie Stadt Danzig, Danzig (Gdansk): Schilder (NSDAP), 1937 (Dokument)

Archive plan context


Call number:SLA-Schwarzenbach-A-5-13/057
Archive call number:A-5-13/057
Photographer:Schwarzenbach, Annemarie
Title:Freie Stadt Danzig, Danzig (Gdansk): Schilder (NSDAP)
Creation date(s):1937
Type of archival documents:Fotografie
Digital copy:
Caption:DANZIG: Officially, a "free town" with the Senate an independant government
under Polish protection this picture proves otherwise...the rule of the
German Nazi party.
[Einzug] The first sign is for the Senate's Department for Public Health, the
second and third are for the German National Socialist Party's departments
for public health and racial politics. In fact, the three departments form
a single organization, occupying the same o ffice [sic! office].
[Einzug] This illustrates the absurd situation of the Danzig government; the
President of the Senate, Greiser, ranging second in the [durchgestrichenes Wort: Nazi] Danzig-Nazi
party. Forster, the leader of of [sic!] the Nazis in Danzig being the real ruler
of the "Free Town." [sic! "free town".]
[maschinengeschriebener Eintrag auf separatem Beiblatt; ohne Titel]
The Senat of the Free Town of Danzig is supposed to be the real govern-
ment. But the President of the Senat-is [sic!] only the second man in the
Nazi Party (NSDAP), which is an absurd situation. Jt [sic! It] is illustrated by
one of the pictures, showing the Health Department of the Senat and the
Department for Racial Politic of the Nazi Party beeing [sic! being] the same and
one office. [...]
[maschinengeschriebener Eintrag auf separatem Beiblatt; Titel: "Photos Annemarie Clark-Schwarzenbach / Danzig 1937 - Gdynia"; versehen mit Stempel: Credit: / from BLACKSTAR / GRAYBAR BUILDING NEW YORK)]
Die Fotografien von Annemarie Schwarzenbach sind gemeinfrei.

Collection structure

Abstract:Schilder der NSDAP-Verwaltung an Hausmauer

Physical description

Signature:nicht signiert
Stamp:nicht gestempelt

Related documents

Picture URL in print quality:


Personen_FotografIn:Schwarzenbach, Annemarie / 1908-1942


Entries:  FotografIn (Personen\S\Schwarzenbach, Annemarie (1908-1942))
  Ort/Siedlung (Schlagwörter Fotosammlung Annemarie Schwarzenbach\)
  Freie Stadt Danzig (Schlagwörter Fotosammlung Annemarie Schwarzenbach\Länder)
  Fotografie (Gemeinfrei\)


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Physical Usability:Uneingeschränkt

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